Equipping the Saints

By Kehilat ha Derech (other events)

2 Dates Through Sep 25, 2022

Join PD and Christina Vander Westhuizen of Rise on Fire Ministries at this Equipping the Saints to walk in the Holy Spirit (Eph.4:12-16) conference, with worship by SHAMAR, hosted by Kehilat ha Derech.

9/24 & 9/25, 2022. Lake Lavon Conference Center, Princeton, Texas. Beginning at 2 PM each day.

Join us for fellowship, worship, teaching as we prepare for Yom Teruah.

We plan for ministry teams to go out to local area. There will be a time for baptisms on 9/25.

Event schedule - subject to how the Spirit leads:

9/24 - doors open around 1:30 or so
2:00 Randall and Deborah Hand - introduction and welcome, worship with SHAMAR
2:30 - 4:30 or so PD teaching  -  discuss logistics and plan for going out 
5:00 meal time (bringing your own food), teams going out, prayer, be productive with this time set aside
7:30 regather - testimonies, prayer, possible worship
9:00 end

Sun- doors open around 1:30 or so
2:00 Randall and Deborah intro, worship with SHAMAR
2:30 - 4:30 PD teaching, prayer, discuss logistics for baptisms
5:00 baptisms, meal time (bringing your own food or go out), prayer
7:30 regather - bring in Yom Teruah, testimonies, prayer, worship
9:00 end

The camp hotel rooms are booked and no longer available.